Organic and Printed Electronics in North America

The new electronics has even greater potential than today's silicon based technology. This is because it tackles a wider range of opportunities, from wide area displays to lowest cost power generation and smart packaging. This organic and printed electronics is growing to become a $300 billion market in 2028 and, in 2008 alone, many factories come on stream to make "post silicon" transistors, displays and solar cells. They are using thin films of both organic and inorganic compound and, increasingly, printing, because that gives higher output, larger areas and lower cost.

Most of the action is taking place in East Asia, Europe and North America, so IDTechEx has prepared the world's first in depth reports on the companies, technologies and trends involved in each of these regions, the others being Organic and Printed Electronics in East Asia and Organic and Printed Electronics in Europe. To be comprehensive, they include all those thin film technologies beyond silicon that are not yet printed but may be printed in due course. All the research was initially carried out in late 2007 and in 2008.

This is the world's first and only report analysing the subject in North America in depth. It compares and analyses the activities of 208 organisations, involving 436 projects in the USA and Canada by technology and country. It gives full contact details of these companies and, where appropriate, examples of patenting performance, research programs, products and references to many scientific papers presented in 2006 onwards, and it has comment by IDTechEx, giving an excellent insight into the priorities and achievements of these organisations.

Although North America has fewer organisations than Europe that are pursuing this subject, the USA is the single most important country in printed and potentially printed electronics, having more participants than any other single country, strong funding and intellectual property but not in every sector. Its priorities and strengths are very different from those elsewhere. Where is US government support greatest and most consistent and what technology is it for? Where is the USA weak? Where is North America likely to win and where will it lose? How do the types of activity compare by number of projects? Is there a sensible balance between academic work and commercial rollouts? Who is acquiring whom and why? It is all here.

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